Is my cat pregnant? The Key Signs of Cat Pregnancy

22nd June 2023
Dream Pets
Dream Pets

If you suspect that your cat may be pregnant, it’s important to understand the signs and stages of feline pregnancy. Whether you intentionally bred your cat or suspect an unplanned mating, being aware of the indicators of pregnancy can help you provide the necessary care and support.

In this article, we will explore the common signs of cat pregnancy, and the stages of feline gestation, and provide guidance on how to care for a pregnant cat. By gaining this knowledge, you will be better equipped to ensure the health and well-being of your expectant feline friend.

The Signs of Cat Pregnancy

Detecting pregnancy in cats can be challenging, especially during the early stages. However, several signs can indicate that your cat is pregnant. Keep an eye out for the following indications:

  • Changes in Nipple Color and Size: Around three weeks into pregnancy, your cat’s nipples may become larger and change colour to a rosy hue.
  • Increased Appetite: Pregnant cats often experience an increased appetite as their bodies require more nourishment to support the growing kittens.
  • Swollen Abdomen: As pregnancy progresses, your cat’s abdomen may appear swollen and round.
  • Behavioural Changes: Some pregnant cats may exhibit behavioural changes such as increased affection, restlessness, or nesting behaviour.
  • Morning Sickness: Similar to human pregnancies, cats can experience morning sickness, which may result in occasional vomiting.

It’s important to note that these signs are not definitive proof of pregnancy. Consulting a veterinarian is essential for an accurate diagnosis.

Stages of Feline Pregnancy

Feline pregnancy is divided into three stages: conception, embryonic development, and fetal growth. Understanding these stages can provide insights into the duration and progression of your cat’s pregnancy.

  • Conception: Cats are induced ovulators, meaning they release eggs in response to mating. After successful mating, fertilization occurs, and the embryos begin to develop. This stage lasts for approximately one to two days.
  • Embryonic Development: During this stage, which lasts around two to three weeks, the embryos implant in the uterine wall and start developing. However, physical changes may not be apparent during this period.
  • Fetal Growth: From the third week onward, fetal growth becomes more evident. Your cat’s abdomen will start to expand as the kittens grow. By the fifth week, a veterinarian may be able to confirm the pregnancy through palpation or an ultrasound. The average gestation period for cats is around 63 to 67 days, but it can vary slightly.

Caring for a Pregnant Cat

Providing proper care for a pregnant cat is crucial for the health and well-being of both the mother and her unborn kittens. Here are some essential considerations:

  • Veterinary Care: Schedule a visit to the veterinarian as soon as you suspect your cat is pregnant. They can confirm the pregnancy, provide guidance on nutrition and vaccination, and monitor the cat’s health throughout the gestation period.
  • Nutrition: A pregnant cat’s nutritional needs change during pregnancy. Feed her a high-quality, balanced diet formulated for pregnant or nursing cats. Consult your veterinarian for dietary recommendations and feeding guidelines.
  • Environmental Comfort: Create a quiet and comfortable space for your pregnant cat. Provide a warm and cosy nesting area where she can relax and give birth to her kittens. Ensure the area is quiet and free from disturbances.
  • Increased Water Availability: Make sure your pregnant cat has access to fresh water at all times. Adequate hydration is essential for her health and the development of the kittens.
  • Monitoring and Observation: Keep an eye on your pregnant cat’s behaviour, appetite, and weight gain. Note any changes and report them to your veterinarian. Monitor her closely during the last weeks of pregnancy and be prepared for the onset of labour.


If you suspect your cat is pregnant, it’s important to be aware of the signs and stages of feline pregnancy. Observing changes in nipple colour, increased appetite, behavioural alterations, and a swollen abdomen can indicate pregnancy. Understanding the stages of pregnancy, from conception to fetal growth, will help you track the progression and duration of your cat’s pregnancy. 

Providing appropriate veterinary care, nutrition, and a comfortable environment will contribute to the health and well-being of your pregnant cat and her kittens. Consulting with a veterinarian is crucial to ensure proper prenatal care and address any concerns that may arise during this special time.

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